Killer Confidence

A Materclass that is going to give you
the push you need to become…


sign me up!

Tuesday, 19 April 2022
at 6 pm SA Time | 12pm EST

Ready to build some

Killer Confidence? This masterclass will teach you the exact steps I took to become a Confidence Queen and I’m going to show you how YOU CAN HAVE THIS CONFIDENCE TOO!

If you know that your self-doubt is keeping you small, always thinking you’re not good enough, always comparing yourself to your best friend, work colleague or sister, and you wish you could just not give a F about what other people will say about you if you actually said what’s on your mind… 

AND, if you want to have the confidence to ask your crush out on a date, communicate what you really want from your relationship, speak up and ask for a promotion, start your own business or feel sexy in your skin… then this masterclass is for you.

If you want to learn how to attract your dream partner, achieve a big goal, grow in your carrer feel confident in your skin and not care what other people think about you,YOU NEED TO START FEELING CONFIDENT IN WHO YOU ARE, and this Masterclass is going to show you how, so you do not want to miss this!

Meet your host:

Nikki Loots is an international mindset and abundance coach and an expert in manifesting and self-love.

After 7-years in the Super-Yacht industry, travelling all over the world, working for the world’s richest and most elite, Nikki was exposed to money, fame and luxury living.

The more external success she achieved, the more disconnected she felt from herself and she knew deep down, there was more to life.

Questioning the source of real, true happiness, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, self-love and personal growth.

She has travelled all through Asia, lived extensively in Bali, completed her yoga teacher training in Australia and meditation teacher training in India.

She has a diploma in mindfulness, is a Master PSYCH-K® facilitator, Yoga Nidra facilitator, and an inspiration to women to live a life filled with purpose, love, happiness, abundance, and success.

Through 1:1 mentoring, group coaching, workshops, international retreats, online trainings and speaking at events, Nikki guides you to understand: who you really are, what you want, what is holding you back and how to get unstuck and live the life of your dreams!

What you will learn:

 during the masterclass 

  • How to stop comparing yourself to others
  • How to get out your comfort zone
  • How to raise your self-worth 
  • How to identify what you REALLY WANT and your steps to achieving this.
  • What is standing in your way from blocking your confidence.

Confidence is a super power! And it’s time you claimed it, Baby. 

I have created the life of my dreams, from attracting my dream partner (after being single A.F), manifesting my dream puppy (when it was literally impossible and I was told it will never happen this fast) to living in my dream apartment, running my dream business and being the happiest, most confident I have ever been in my body, my inner-peace and my life.

wait, you didn’t click the button yet?


Stop doubting and comparing yourself to everyone “better” than you, and start believing in yourself to become the woman that when you walk by, they all stop and stare.

Sign up so you can be part of my mail list, secure your spot in the masterclass…